
Monday, April 4, 2011

Baby Robin


  1. What a sweety!!
    I miss the robin birds in my garden now, here in Greece they only stay in the winter and as soon as spring has sprung they will go away until the next winter is beginning...

    Hugs Jollie

  2. Oh so sweet. Our robins, killdeer and red wing black birds are slowly coming back. It's so nice to hear them tweeting in the morning after a very long winter. Soon the barn swallows will be making their nests in our barns. They are very fresh little characters and always chase be out when I attempt to go in our cubbies, but I love them. Have a great day.

  3. I keep looking at this sweetie, it's unbelievable lifelike

  4. Thanks everyone :-)
    It's the same here in the desert, Jollie. As soon as the weather starts to warm, the robins leave here, too.

    Donna, I love barn swallows. I really miss seeing them. We only have cliff swallows out here. They nest in the old mine shafts as do barn owls and pigeons.

    Thanks so much for your compliment Helen. It really means a lot coming from such a great bird felter. Your owls are amazing.

  5. I love this little one! Our Robins are all over our backyard now and I know soon there will be babies like this dear one. =)
