Starting bid $9.95
Reserve $66.00
(Please Click on Poseidon's name to view his auction)

JadeStarting bid $9.95Buy It Now $300Reserve Price $165.00
(Please click on Jade's name to view her auction)
It's been a while since my last post. I've been busily working on my new website. It's not quite complete yet. I guess it's a work in progress. It all started when I found out that googlepages was migrating platforms. The new platform doesn't support Java script and CSS. Hence all of my furious work to get a new site up and running before June 1 (today). So if you're interested my new site still has the same address, www, It's just being hosted elsewhere. One new thing that I've added is a store where my items maybe purchased from. Unfortunately, it does not have inventory control. So for the time being, I'm offerring only my felted pastries and portrait commissions on my site. Hopefully. I'll be able to offer my one of a kind pieces there, too, in the near future.
On another front, Summer is nearly here and eBay is slowing down as folks are spending more time outdoors and less time in front of the computer. So, I've instituted reserve pricing on my ebay items. My average reserve is $95.00. My low reserve is $66.00. It's higher for the larger works, like Jade pictured above. She has a reserve of $165.00. I hated doing this. But it was either this or giving up my donations to Sarvey Wildlife and Old Dog haven. I chose my charities. Also if my items started to go for too little, people may get the idea that that's what my art is worth and would not bid higher when things start to pick up on eBay.
Talk to you all again soon !