
Friday, April 11, 2014

Thoughts on Creativity

I just finished rather short but erudite book on creativity. It's  "Show Your Work" by Austin Kleon. He also wrote "Steal Like an Artist" which I intend to read.  One particular section challenged my views on teaching and in progress posts.  I tend to be rather private and have a notion that nobody really wants to see my work in what I call its ugly phase.    Now I see that work doesn't exist in a vacuum and that the process is just as important as the result. So in the near future, I will be doing more documentation of my creative process. I hope you will enjoy reading it.  Also, I'll be heading off to Chicago soon and will be visiting one of my very favorite places on the 17th of this month. The Chicago Art Institute. I just love French impressionism and my paintings are heavily influenced from that.  Here's a painting of a wolf that I did sometime back.


  1. Sounds like a good book to read.
    I must put it on my reading list.

  2. I'll be waiting to see your works in progress.
    The Chicago Art Institute is wonderful, I have visited there in 1997! and I also love French impressionism.. :) but I Love many other Art-styles as well! I am sure you'll have a very enjoyable visit!

  3. Enjoy your visit to the museum. Visiting museums always provides me with eye candy and visual stimulation...and head spinning with ideas! A close friend just wrote a book that I read recently. (Where Does Art Come From?: How to Find Inspiration and Ideas by William Kluba). I was surprised that reading about process affected me, too. Love your wolf painting...have fun and travel safely!

  4. Hi, I am just getting into felting and found your blog when looking for inspiration. I love to see how people work, you can always learn something and seeing in progress pics is encouraging when one is starting out. I just watched a video of a talk Austen Kleon did in Austen, you might enjoy it:
