
Friday, April 13, 2012

La Petite Souris & Sebastian

Here are my latest two. The little fairy mouse was inspired by the French legend of a mouse that acts like a tooth fairy, She has silk and polymer fairy wings and a little silk bag with a polymer clay "tooth". Sebastian, the owl, was just finished this afternoon. He's only 5 1/2 inches tall and is life sized for a Saw Whet Owl.  Both Sebastian and the little mouse are available for adoption and will be listed on eBay this Sunday at the usual time. Thans as always for checking in :0)


  1. Both wonderful! Each so different. The owl so real and serious, and the fairy mouse with her tooth, so full of whimsy.

  2. Your works are so amazing! I once tried needle felting and failed miserably....

  3. Both are so lovely and cute!! Wunderful work! Gr. Nancy

  4. Wow I am totally amazed by what you create!
