
Monday, January 9, 2012

Playing Catch-Up

 Pictured first is my latest creation, Ellie May.  She was listed on eBay and has already sold. I like how her fur turned out. I first needle felted a dark layer of llama wool and then rooted the light grey alpaca wool on top. It gave the fur a kind of tipped look.

The second picture id my Trumpet. Way back on October 25, I won a pattern from Jenny Lee of Jenny Loves Benny. I've long been an admirer of her cute little poppets. I was so shocked to learn I had won one of her prizes. Her work is just so sweet! If you're not familiar with her work, you really should check it out!

Finally, my Molly, a needle felted bull terrier, placed first last year in the Teddy Bears and Friends contest. There were several really nice entries and it was a nice surprise to see that she won.


  1. I can see why Ellie May sold...and a record speed I bet. I love the colors you used to make her.

  2. WOW!!! Congratulations on winning the TBAAF Award Robin!!! It was well deserved! Donna

  3. Ellie May is very cute and I love Trumpet! Her ear fabric is lovely. Congratulations on all your winnings! :) xxx

  4. Impressive as always - and congrats on winning such a contest/price.


  5. Wonderful and I love the colors on Trumpet. Congratulations on TBAAF award you deserve it. Have a great day.

  6. I love Elly May, the way you rooted that fur looks so real.

    So nice to win a pattern from and artist you love. Did you make the elle? It is adorable.

    And of course the best for last, congratulations on your win. Your work is always top notch.

  7. First: I loooove Ellie May !! Trumpet is a sweetie ! And Molly is the absolute best !!!

  8. Thanks everyone! Joanne, I hand sewed her and dyed her mohair. She was a lot of fun to do. I really like the anime style of teddies. I think because it's so different from what I normally do.
