
Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Horse is nearly Finished

I'm finally near the completion of my horse. There are a couple of areas I'd like to retouch. It was really difficult keeping the brown away from the white and vice versa.  She stands at 4 3/4 inches at the shoulder which makes her equivalent in scale to a horse or large pony of 14.1 hands high. She fits right in the size of an "Indian pony or horse" ( 13.2 hh to 15 hh) or Nokota horse and a bit too small for a Paint(starting at 14.2 hh).

I'm fairly happy with this one overall. But there are a few things I learned that worked and few I'd do differently. One thing I found is that once I added the flocking a lot of the fine detailing became lost. Next time I think I'll carve the detail a bit more severely than I normally would. Secondly, I'd only do the legs in one layer of clay as they bulked out quite a bit after flocking.  Next, I'd  mask off areas with masking tape. Hopefully that'll keep them from mixing. I used a bit of scotch tape to remove some of the fibers that were in the wrong places. I hope you like her. I'll post the final pics soon.


  1. Like her?! She is SPECTACULAR! How could one not absolutely LOVE her!

  2. Hi Robin,

    She's lovely.......I love horses! What a great job, I'm so envious!


  3. OMG!!!!! What a wonderful horse! I can't even imagine the work that went into this. I have owned horses for years and I have a thing about people doing horses in art that are way off of what a real horse looks like, you hit the nail on the head!!!!! It is just stunning! I foudn you thru Imagimeri's....I will be back again and again!

  4. Thank you everyone for the compliments!
    And welcome to my blog, Sandy!

  5. WOW Robin!!! It's AWESOME!! You did a fantastic job! You're going to need to change your blog name so it says Needle Felting AND Clay Sculpting... :D

  6. What a lovely Indian pony I can imagine a warrior riding it :-)

  7. You have a wonderful talent and what you do is beautiful. You can share your site with others by going to Family American Style and go to Show off your creations. I'm also stopping by to let you know that I am doing a giveaway. Stop by and see.
