
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Jean-Luc, the Ship Rat ~ a Bonvivant Gentleman of Fortune

I just finished Jean-Luc yesterday afternoon and took some quick photos of him today. This little rat was aquite a bit of work. His entire costume was hand sewn, including his wool tri-corner hat.  It was really interesting doing some research on pirate costuming. The Gentlemen of Fortune website was a real storehouse of information. I don't think I'd ever heard of slop pants, bucket boots or justacorps ever before. I never realized exactly what went into making those cool pirate coats. The pattern that I found on the internet was pretty involved.  There was a lot of readjustment to get it rat -proportioned. They tend to be thicker in the waist than a human.  Pictured below is the pattern that I found. You can see just how tiny the waist was.

Jean-Luc's eBay auction will begin Sunday, February 7 at 6:45 pm PST. 
His reserve price will be set at $165.00 and his Buy It Now will be $295.00


  1. Robin, Jean-Luc is absolutely FABULOUS!!!! You do amazing work!!!

  2. Jean Luc is fantastic, I like his custome very much,is a great work!

  3. Johnny Depp....look out! There's a new rat in town!

  4. You are amazing.
    (shaking my head in disbelief)

  5. Thanks for the compliments everyone!

  6. Robin he looks like he has walked off the pages of a Beatrix Potter book ... I just adore him!
    Those old patterns can really challenge us new age girls ... so many of the fine details are left out of garments today. I just love them ... they are a great way to learn about pattern making techniques.
    Warmest hugs,
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane

  7. Thanks, Sandi :-)
    It was quite a challenge for me as don't really sew all that much. Ireally enjoyed doing the research. It's kind of interesting how clothing has evolved.

  8. Oooooooo he is amazing! All the little details you have put into him add so much to his realisim! I hope his auction went well!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.
